Last month, my husband took me on an extra special date night. An Enchanted Garden Ball. The event was hosted by a dress company, JessaKae. It took place at a local event venue and vineyard, La Caille.

I wore a JessaKae dress, the Highgrove. I felt like a princess from one of my stories! I loved seeing everyone so dressed up. Even the men. There were fabulous dresses and suits, some people in costumes and masks. I wore a tiara. My husband wore a renaissance pirate shirt.

There were carriage rides, performers, and so so many photo opportunities. It was a fabulous date night, and felt very in line with Briarbook Lane and the Tales of Tessagonia.

Sleeping Beauty Moment

Cinderella carriage

The entire night was very Alice in Wonderland meets Enchanted Fairy Garden meets a Masquerade. The event lived up to the theme of enchantment. There were mushrooms and fairies and teacups and vines.

The first part of the night had instrumental music for more romantic slow dancing. Once the sun went down, there was a liver singer and fairy dance performance, along with fire dancers. Then a live band performed in the ballroom for more modern dancing.

I felt like I was at the ball in The Princess Test, or at the masquerade in The Gloaming Realm.

Not only humans were in attendance. There were peacocks, ducks, swans. There was also a beautiful, tall willow tree that inspires one in Jack and the Midnight Cloak.

More photos!

All in all, it was a night to remember. May you have your own enchanted date night. In the meangtime, find enchantment in the Tales of Tessagonia.