Comparing Dexter and Resident Alien

Are these the same show? We’ve been watching the first season of Resident Alien as Dexter: New Blood premiered. Resident Alien is a comedic SyFy show starring Alan Tudyk about an alien who crashed on earth and took human form to fit in. Dexter is a (supposedly)...

Under the Whispering Door: Book Review

Title: Under the Whispering DoorAuthor: TJ KluneGenre: Contemporary FantasySeries: StandaloneAge group: AdultAuthor website: ​  Thoughts Another amazing book from TJ Klune. Earlier this year I read...

Chiaroscuro News

I have been remiss to not officially announce my book release here! Chiaroscuro is available on Amazon in both print and ebook. If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read it for free. You can sign up for my newsletter for the most up to date news. What is Chiaroscuro?...

House of Salt and Sorrows: Book Review

Title: House of Salt and SorrowsAuthor: Erin A. CraigGenre: FantasySeries: StandaloneFairy-tale Inspiration:The Twelve Dancing PrincessesAge group: Young AdultAuthor Thoughts House of Salt and Sorrows is a...

The Magic of Mirrors

Mirror, mirror, on the wall… Photo by Tuva Mathilde Løland on Unsplash Mirrors have long been considered mysterious objects. This is reflected in our superstitions and literature. One of the most common superstitions is that breaking a mirror brings...