
I last kept a blog (The Library of Liz) over ten years ago, when I was still an undergraduate at the University of Utah, and would never have imagined the path that my life would take. All the same, there are some things that have not changed despite the years and all that has happened as they passed:

  • I absolutely love the written word
  • I’m obsessed with fairy tales and folklore, of all varieties
  • I adore storytelling, whether individually in my own writing or cooperatively, as when sitting down to role-play with a group

Given this, I am very pleased to again be embarking on a blog where I can regularly write about all of these topics, and more.
​        Welcome, everyone. Sit back, get comfy, maybe grab a drink, and stay awhile.

What can be expected from this blog?

Elizabeth’s Musings is a place where I will share all sorts of writing, including but not limited to the following categories: ~ Book Reviews ~ Elizabeth’s Elixirs ~ Projects & Publications ~ Chronicling (A Memoir in Pieces) ~ Poetry ~ Role-Playing & Podcasts